Gizzy had some issues boxing day evening so I had to drive him to the emergency vet clinic in Brampton yesterday - seems he hurt his back somehow and was in some pain so he's now on pain killers. I think last night was his first good night's sleep in a couple of days - hopefully nothing serious. Everyone is doing well - not much else going on...
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Happy Holidays!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Squirrels - still....
If this doesn't work, the pellet gun is next....much as I love nature and little furry critters, this is getting ridiculous!
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Xbox Media Centre
I am now using Windows Media Player to capture my CDs at 128kbps, but they are very restrictive on the file naming, so I still need to use ReNamer to get the file name I want: <ISBN number>-<Track Number>.
I still need to do all the editing and renaming on my computer and then send the files to the Xbox - I have learned how to make the Xbox appear as a network drive in Explorer, however I am not able to select that location within Win Media Player as a location to target for music media...
Getting closer though!!
Got a couple of good resource websites:
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Ordering Coffee....
If you have to qualify it, then it isn't "regular"... and how is "medium regular with milk" more efficient than "medium with milk and sugar"?
I guess you save the "and"... but both ways are 8 syllables each...
Rereading the above - I think I need to drink less coffee....
Monday, November 27, 2006
We have a Waterfall!!
The waterfall had more water coming down the right hand side so they cemented a rock there to redirect things a bit. There is a switch in the cabana that turns it on and off - very cool. The installer guy said they would probably close it down next week. He didn't know if the cabana crew was coming tomorrow - now that there is power they can use in the cabana things should go quick.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Pete's - Kitchen Backsplash & Settlers of Catan

We played "Settlers of Catan" after our tile work. Cool game. There is a whole series of different versions of the same game type. There were 4 of us (Chris joined, after all the work was done of course...) so it was good. I could see the game being problematic for less than 3 people playing - but 4 seemed just right. Recommend this game if you have 3-4 people and a couple hours to kill - and of course some beer...
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Refinishing Living Room Floor
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Music Management Software
The main features I need that seem to be lacking are:
- convert everything to the same bit rate (128 seems to be fine for me) in MP3 format, either as an up-convert or a down-convert ==> I need this since one of my MP3 players does not like changing bit rates between songs when playing from burned CDs
- file management, especially with respect to file naming. I need to be able to maintain all track, album, artist information and also allow file renaming to a specific code, either the UPC code or a combination of album serial number and track number ==> I need this because my Xbox won't play any MP3s with a filename greater than about 20 characters
Anybody have any suggestions for managing music using a modified Xbox that does not have an internet connection?
==> UPDATE: I have been using Windows Media Player with some success and I now have a high(er) speed internet connection that allows me to connect the Xbox direct to the internet allowing direct ripping and file name/data downloading...
Saturday, November 11, 2006
World War 1 Survivors
One of the stories I heard on the radio today stated that there are only 3 Canadians still alive who served in WW1, one of them is 105 and the other 2 are 106. The nature of the story was asking if the last survivor should be given a "State Funeral" when he passes... In my opinion, discussing this publicly in the first place is bad form, however if it is being discussed, I don't think we should make it a race to see who can live the longest and get the big funeral - I say that we owe all 3 of our oldest veterans more than we can ever repay, and that all three of them should be given the full deal when they pass. I am not a supporter of war in general, however the people who are doing or did the fighting so that I can have the life I lead have nothing but my respect.
Harpers Magazine article - bank machine charges
Back to my original post - for me, I have enough cash in my account to reduce the relative % cost of a bank machine withdrawal, but the Harpers article reminded me of my earlier and less lucrative life where there were times that I could not make a withdrawal because my account balance was less than $20 and the minimum withdrawal was $20. Back in those days when my account was much lower, and I could only really afford to withdraw $20-40 at a time, the relative withdrawal fee for taking out $20 is just about 7% (getting $20 costs $21.50). Wow, this is a lot to pay to get access to YOUR money. In my case now where I would be withdrawing from a negative line of credit account balance, this results in a 7% immediate charge plus 7.5% in interest per year on the same amount going forward. So if my account balance stays at this level or lower for a year, I would have effectively paid 14.5% interest on that $20...
For people with some money (a group to which I have been fortunate enough to belong for the last little bit - until the pool install anyway...) this is a relatively insignificant amount - and in many cases the bank waives some fees for "higher value" clients. For people who are not as financially secure, this is a significant cost. And again I am struck by how people who have money end up needing to spend less of it to get the services they need because they are "good customers", while those who could really use some help will always end up paying full price - and then some, for everything...
I don't know how to fix it, but it annoys me and it isn't fair...
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Pool Update - Cement Patio is "done"
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Pool update, getting close
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Jury Duty - Day 2
Nope, didn't get selected - didn't even get to go through the challenge process with the lawyers. I just got out of the session mid-afternoon. Basically I've spent 2 days sitting and reading...sort of like being on vacation, but with no wavy salt water, no sun, no umbrella-drinks, no sand, no funky beach clothes, no interesting restaurants, get the idea... It was a little exciting during the actual calling of the names - sort of like playing Bingo... "From panel 80 [exhale, not my panel], juror number xxxx,
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Jury Duty Day
10:20am - going into the courtroom... First degree murder trial - wow... I guess I can't say much more about it here... Ouch, the most number of people to stand up for exclusion so far is people who have been through something similar before, first guy said his 14 year old son was murdered... This shouldn't be the biggest reason people are excluded, that's just not right... Nope, medical reasons is the biggest. Nope, exceptional hardship is the biggest - mostly students (ie. missed classes and exams) or people who are self-employed or who aren't paid for their time off. I made it through preliminaries, but need to be back at 2pm to begin the formal selection process, apparently we will be merged with another panel of pre-filtered candidates.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Want to know when I update?
- Terms of use:
- I will only send an update if I've added something significant, I promise not to spam you with updates about my choice of socks for the day or the funky pattern that the frost made on my car windshield the other morning.
- You agree to click at least one ad link from the top heading bar or the bottom of the left menu area each time you visit my blog. Okay, so this isn't really a requirement and there isn't really any way for me to (easily) track this, I'm really just askin'....
- Not sure what else...we'll see how it goes...
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Fish tank
Testing the weeping tile

Wow, the pool is really moving along!
Next step is to finalize the form layout for the Patterned Concrete decking/patio that goes around the pool and up to the house. We hit a snag here because we want the cement to come right up to the existing patio doors in the basement of the house - and we also want a deck above this under the doors that come out of the kitchen. The problem is the posts for the deck, they will need to be placed where we want the cement to be - but the cement decking is a "floating pad" but the deck posts need to be connected to cement piers sunk 4+ feet into the ground. The floating pad can't be connected the piers or the pad will crack if there is any movement. As well, we only want 2 posts, 12' apart and 8' from the house (to support a 10x16 deck). The standard building permit plans show a maximum of 10' spacing for posts, and the need for 12" diameter piers - that's a big hold to try and drill into the cement pad after it is poured...
Current plan: sink 14" sonatube forms about a foot into the ground where I want my deck posts to go, pour the patterned concrete around the outside of the 14" tube, auger and install 12" sonatube pier forms 4+ feet down inside the 14" hole and fill with cement to ground level, install the post on the pier and surround the bottom of the post and 14" hole with dirt and flowers. In the end, the posts will be on 12" piers sunk deep and solid, and the cement pad is free to float.
Challenges: still have the issue of post spacing, we want 12' not 10'. Also, not sure if the Patterned Concrete process can manage a hole in the middle of the pattern (I assume there is a patterned form that gets laid on the top of the cement, so having a 14" sonatube in there might mess up that pattern).
One challenge at a time - going to Home Depot on Sunday to see if the deck design guy can give me some ideas for overcoming the 10' spacing issue.

Thursday, October 26, 2006
Mouse Season has started
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Coinstar cash converter - 9.8% !!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Aaaaah! There's a bobcat in the back yard!

Things are continuing to move along with the pool. There have been 2 of these things around for the last few days and things are progressing.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Right People with the Right Tools

Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Pickup truck in yard...!
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Watch that first step...

Jury Duty Summons - CRAP!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Evolution - thought...
Okay, so my understanding of the theory of evolution is that in a given environment, certain traits are better suited to survival, and therefore organisms with those traits will tend to survive longer and therefore have more opportunites to reproduce, thus resulting in more organisms with those traits as compared to organisms having less advantageous survival traits.
Now, when thinking of humans, we don't have a lot of variation in general traits at birth. So my thinking is that if something really bad happens (global environment changing) that could lead to a mass near-extinction, I don't think we are going to be able to adapt fast enough as a species... But then I had a thought... In any environment changing situation, the surviving organisms will continue to struggle and reproduce. Assuming that the population is now much reduced, there would likely be a higher potential for inbreeding. This may lead to an acceleration of enhancing beneficial traits since the gene pool is biased towards survival traits, but could also lead to more "birth defects" which could result in an accelerated rate-of-change in the general structure and development of new organisms..... just a thought....
Monday, October 09, 2006
Barbados - Departure Day
The food at the Lighthouse Terrace is good and we have eaten there most meals - mainly since they aren't a lot of other places around. The sun has been going down at about 6-7pm so unless you want to walk around in an industrial type area in the dark - your choices are limited - unless you take a cab everywhere.
I got to the airport and of course I forgot about the departure tax... I had been good and had used up almost all of the Barbados and US dollars, and then suddenly needed BD$25 more...over to a bank machine in the airport to withdraw BD$40 (since need BD$25 and machine only gives 20's) - so I now have BD$15 in my wallet, and will have for months...
The flight back was good. The little airplane on the TV display screen showed that we were traveling at 800 km/h as we started flying over the US and the outside temperature was -58 degrees C at 37,000 feet, just out of interest... Good to be home and have Dad waiting for me at the airport.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Barbados - Last Night
I just finished reading a book I borrowed from my buddy Pete a long time ago - "Soul Music" by Terry Pratchett. Having finished that one - finally (review to follow), I have decided to re-read a book I read in university, "Coming of Age in the Milky Way" by Timothy Ferris.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Barbados - First Day Off for Sharon
I had a "farmer's tan" - well burn actually, from wearing my t-shirt all the first and second day, so left my shirt off for most of yesterday - so now I have a nice all-over burn. I've been feeding the tingly parts of my burnt shin moisturizer in the hopes that it will stay on long enough to shift to a nice brown tan before the inevitable pealing begins. My forearms aren't bad since they are accustomed to the sun, however my shoulders, chest, and (ample) belly are the most tender, not having seen the sun for a while. I also got my haircut just before departure so my hairline is also a little tender.
Last night we had the seafood buffet at the Lighthouse Terrace at the Hilton - neither of us cared for it. Since the hotel isn't really near anything, and since the heat zaps your energy, and since Sharon has been working long hours and fighting traffic to and from the office each day - neither of us has had much energy to troop through the streets to find somewhere else to eat. Sharon is not working today so maybe we will find a place together.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Barbados - First Full Day
I took a walk down the beach - the Hilton definitely has the best beach in the area. A guy tried to sell me some aloha vera leaves for sunburn and such. I talked to him a bit - his job, as he states it, is actually to make sure that visitors have a good time - aloha vera, coke, weed, girls - or boys - whatever makes the tourists happy. Thanks but no - but need to lookup the Amarillas Hotel, it looks nice. The beach is not too bad just a bit south of the Hilton and this hotel might be more in our price range if we ever want to come back here. The Savannah Hotel is there also - AVOID - the beach is covered with rocks and the space between the hotel and the beach is overgrown with trees, leaves, and stuff - it didn't look good at all.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Barbados - On My Way !!
I used my Aeroplan points for the ticket, cost me 55,000 points plus I had to pay ~$140 in fees and taxes, so almost free but not quite. I wanted business class because its a long flight, but the web site didn't give me the option. Turned out okay though, I had an empty seat beside me and the seat spacing was actually reasonable!
Mom and Dad are going to look after the boys (thank you very, very much!) - I think Dad is going to stay at the house each night and call the dog-walker (Tracy, from Noah's Ark Pet Care - great people) if he needs to go out during the day - really appreciate this everyone!
Sharon has a limo guy that she uses occasionally for work stuff, Ahmed, so I put the call into him for a 6am pickup. As usual, I was running late - not because I slept in, but because I had left too many little things to do for the morning. It started to thundershower just when Ahmed arrived (about 10-15 minutes early) and the boys wanted nothing to do with going out in the rain... If you could have seen the look on Gizzy's face! I had gotten them all excited about going outside and then threw open the door - and out they ran... Once those big rain drops started hitting Gizzy, he stopped dead in his tracks and gave me the look - the "you bastard" look. Anyway, the boys wouldn't do anything but look at me with squinting-in-the-rain looks on their faces, so I hope there weren't any accidents when Dad arrived.
The drive to the airport was slow because of the rain and then there was a dead traffic light on Hwy 50 - thank you Ahmed for getting me around this - I would have been late for my flight if I was driving.
I made a HUGE mistake at the airport by having some breakfast. What was I thinking?! A sausage "mcmuffin" type sandwich with spicy sausage, greasy hasbrowms and strong coffee - ACK! I was in gastric distress for the ENTIRE flight - 5 hours of rumbling and grumbling and extreme discomfort - my own fault, I know better - coffee and greasy food is never a good idea, and spicy sausage should be reserved for outdoor, breezy location (not a confined metal tube with lots of other people packed in all around you).

Tuesday, October 03, 2006
PVR Intelligence Suggestions
- option to sort channels by number of hours watched on that channel with most popular channels appearing at the top, mixed with any new or free preview channels. Need to include an option to easily mark a channel as "don't like"
- tracking of specific show episodes played and the option to mark a show as seen or don't like
- tied to above, option to search and record (automatically) show episodes that I haven't seen. Example: punch in Battlestar Galactica, and it records every time the show is on unless a) it already has that episode in memory (including quality check for satellite outages), b) I have tagged that episode as seen, c) or has a log that the episode has been seen in the past. At the start it would catch a lot of the older shows that I have seen, but these could be quickly marked as seen and deleted from memory, and then they won't get recorded again - also allows me to catch old episodes that I might have missed.
- option to identify a show series that I don't like - and being able to differentiate somehow - specifically for things like the various versions of Star Trek and Battlestar - I only want to see the new episodes of Battlestar, not the ones from the '70's, and only selected Star Trek spin-offs, not the old
Friday, September 29, 2006
Gave blood yesterday
Okay, I'm up...
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Possum, playing possum
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Nextar GPS - rants
After using this GPS unit for a while, I am just annoyed - but no more since it stopped working (some kind of corrupted file - I get an error screen when I try to turn it on). To repair requires returning to the manufacturer (return mail paid) which would be more expensive than just buying a new one.
Some usage annoyances for anyone thinking of getting this unit:
- the search POI by name is useless since it sorts results by city. this makes no sense at all, it should sort by distance if no city is entered.
- the search POI by distance is useless since it only looks at locations less than 4 kms from current location. Results should fill at least one screen, ie. If nothing found within 4km, extend to 8, then 16, etc. Until a full screen of stuff is visible. At highways speeds in a rural area, a search will find nothing, and then suddenly find a bunch of stuff because a town is now within 4 kms - but you are likely just passing the highway exit.
Another minor annoyance is that "Time to Destination" should be replaced with ETA, or allow switching between.
Beautiful country...
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Gas mileage conversion
- 2.83 x km/L = Imp MPG
- 2.35 x km/L = US MPG
My Honda Civic Hybrid is getting 5.2 L/100 km = 19.23 km/L:
= 54.4 Imp MPG
= 45.2 US MPG
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Jericho - new series
At the beginning there are lots of questions - is the States under attack, was it an accident, was it a terrorist action, and of course, what do we do now? This got me thinking a bit and I think I would start documenting what I know, my assumptions, and the actions I should take...
What do we know? | Assumptions | Strategy | Actions |
Denver and Atlanta were hit | support people/government busy | fend for ourselves | pool weapons (looting), collect perishable food to localized freezer/fridge (restaurant?) |
Weather patterns | fallout possible/probable | protect water sources | collect and store as much water as possible, cover sources, gather books and read on how to react |
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Still with the sore neck!
Monday, September 18, 2006
Amazing Race is back on!
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Another fire
Actually, Dad spared me an eyebrowectomy or needing to drag everything down to the railroad tracks - he pulled everything down and set it ablaze (he doesn't seem to be as concerned about flying embers as I am... ;). Even a better job done...
Finished my 1986 Talisker last night
Recipe for Good-for-you Muffins
- preheat over to 350 degrees
- load 24 muffin tin cups with the little paper liners
- 3 cups (750ml) of Kelloggs All Bran cereal (I've tried other kinds with okay results, but so far the Kelloggs has been the best)
- 3 cups (750ml) of water
- let the water soak in and then mix or blend
- add a package of Betty Crocker Low Fat Brownie mix (I haven't tried any other kind, this is the only low-fat mix I've found around here)
- add 3 teaspoons (15 ml) of baking powder
- mix or blend until mixed well
- distribute across 24 muffin cups
- bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes
New style bagel
:) we have also found that any and all sandwiches taste better when they are made by someone else... Not sure why...
Friday, September 15, 2006
Neck Pain
Thursday, September 14, 2006
An Engineer's View of Reaching a Target Weight
It just happens that for me to reach my target weight I need to lose the fat equivalent to the gas required to drive my car for 1 trip around my yard (excluding along the front by the road).
Now I need to make a little car that I can "drive" around the property to represent my progress...!
Monday, September 11, 2006
Blackberry Users: Emergency Contact "qqq" or "ppp"
Here is my thought - create a contact in your contact list with the name "qqq" or "ppp", since these are the easiest non-freaky keys to find on the Blackberry keyboard.
Then do the following to access this contact without looking at the unit:
- press and hold the "back" button for a couple of seconds (exits out of anything you are in and generally clears the display)
- click the "back" button a bunch of times to make sure
- scroll the wheel up a bunch to be at the top of the application list
- click the wheel once (if locked the unit will display the unlock menu, if not it will enter the top application)
- scroll the wheel up to ensure that you are at the top of any menu
- click the wheel once again (will unlock if locked, or will access the application menu if in an application)
- click the "back" button again a bunch of times (exits out of any applications)
- the main intent of the above is to ensure that the unit is in the main application window without having to look at the screen
- click the "phone" button on the top of the unit to make the phone dialer application open
- click "qqq" or "ppp" to find the emergency contact in the address book, it should be the only entry with these three characters in a row, so it should be highlighted
- click the wheel once to get the menu, and the default highlighted option should be "Call"
- click the wheel again to initiate a call
Try it - I think it works. Might need some adjustment if you have a password protected lock option. I have the Blackberry 7250 and it works for me.
Also, there was an email floating around a while ago suggesting that you create an entry in your phone's address book with "ICE I.C.E. 911" in the name. If you are ever in an accident or in trouble and unable to communicate with emergency personnel, they could access this contact easily in your phone's address book to contact someone in an emergency - makes sense to me...
Ouch, pain in the ... neck...
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Oops, just gave myself an unexpected hair "perm" and eyebrow makeover...
Friday, September 08, 2006
Hail !
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Movie Review: Done - no more movie reviews here
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Movie Review: Primer
[what the...? still trying to figure it out]
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Movie Review: Nell
[undecided, predictable plot and a little preachy, but...]
Movie Review: Walk The Line
[good flick, not a big Johnny Cash fan, but good story]
Movie Review: Corpse Bride
[slow to start, but I liked the ending]
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Met pool guy and reviewed endless pool DVD
Coincidentally, on the same day that we spoke to Frank we also got an information package in the mail about "Endless Pools", basically a small pool with a built-in propeller to create a current that allows swimming in place. Watched the DVD (we sent away for the info package a while ago) and it looks good. So, another thought added to the mix... Wouldn't it be great to have the Endless Pool up near the house inside a solarium that could be heated and used year-round...! So now we are rethinking the plan and maybe we'll go with a smaller pool since we wouldn't need all the length for swimming, which we can do in the Endless Pool. Hmmmm...
UPDATE: we've now had the pool installed for a few years (wow, time flies!), and I really felt the need to come back in here and comment on Solda. Structurally the did a great job, but their care and attention to the finishing touches is just not there. I have been paying them to come back each spring and fall to open/close the pool in case there was a problem with the installation. I've watched them do the work and they are just simply not careful. The control valve on the top of the sand filter had to be replaced because over the 2-3 years of them opening/closing the pool they cracked the fittings on every pipe connection (I believe over tightening is to blame). Their water pump washed out a big hole in the back yard one year and also washed out a bunch of mulch that my neighbours had just put in around some trees at the property line. In my opinion they don't drain the lines enough for the underground pipes and don't lower the water level enough (but I'm not the supposed expert - they said its fine, they always do it that way). The waterfall leaks and there are major cracks in a couple of the key rocks of the waterfall (were there on day-1, I believe happened when the backhoe was muscling them into place). Don't even get me started on the compost they brought for the garden beds - total crap! We paid a premium for the premium grade stuff, and had to go back to them for cash-back when we started finding large sharp shards of glass all through the stuff. I'm not talking 1 broken bottle (as they tried to suggest), but several different colours and types of glass all through the mix everywhere (it is now a way to pass the time on sunny days by the pool, I wander along the edge of the garden and pick-up bits of glass - I am rarely left wanting...). Basically all the finishing touches are crap and there is a lack of professionalism for the recurring tasks - even though we continue to pay a premium (compared to other companies) for them to come back to service the pool. This will be the last year we have them back. i believe they will now say that anything major that goes wrong is out of warranty, and all the minor stuff seems based on their bad workmanship, so that's that....
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Roof Repair

By Friday we had the scaffolding up. Went to Home Hardware Saturday morning and got a piece of sheet metal dryer vent pipe and some roofing patch putty stuff while it rained. Just had to cut off the parts of the sheet metal that made it pipe-like and then cut it to size. Luckily by the time I was ready to climb the scaffolding the rain had stopped. Cut and bent the sheet metal to fit under the shingles and behind the eaves trough, and secured everything with construction adhesive. Then coated everything on top with the roofing patch putty - went better than expected! Tore down the scaffolding and reloaded it into the trailer to go back with Dad so that he could use it to cut down an offending tree branch near his house. Going to put a bunch of "Critter Ridder" in the attic and continue to keep the squirrels away by live-trapping until the first heavy snow.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006
News Story - Unable to unplug, tech addicts may sue
Okay, so the thinking is that people may sue over addiction to technology... My take is: what is it going to take for people to take responsibility for their actions? If your life sucks because you keep working through your Blackberry, then YOU should recognize this and reduce your usage. Don't give me the crap that you need to be accessible because others are and if you are not then you may not get that promotion - guess what, if YOU DECIDE that you want to be in the running for that promotion and if YOU DECIDE that being accessible all the time is a key way to stay in the running, then YOU need to decide if you are willing to pay the price of being that accessible, which can mean a crappy home life - same as the traditional situation of having to work late all the time - only this gives you the added BENEFIT of "working late", but you don't have to stay at the office. You want the brass ring, you still need to get above the rest. My suggestion is to find better ways to highlight your talents and commitment to the company than just having your Blackberry on all the time and responding to your boss' emails within the minute.
That's my 2 cents anyway.
Looking for a cookbook
Some examples:
- my garden is producing lots of cucumbers, what can I make with them? (besides relish)
- I am starting to finally get some tomatoes from the garden, all I can think of is spaghetti sauce, chili, and sliced with hamburgers
- that can of "pineapple tidbits" that has been in the fridge for way too long...
- the package of shredded coconut in the cupboard
- onions, got a bunch in the fridge "crisper" (talk about false advertising, nothing has ever come out of there "crisp"...)
- shrimp in the freezer, something besides cocktail or mixed in spaghetti sauce or a stir fry...
- a box of Cheerios that I bought by mistake (Sharon only likes the Honey Nut kind - I'll eat almost anything in a pinch, but haven't been in a pinch recently)...
Get the picture? Any suggestions? I guess I could use the internet to search for recipes, but at the risk of starting another rant, I only have access to dialup service where I live - nuf said...
Movies, Movies, Movies...
Who shot J.R.?
And while I'm traveling down TV memory lane, does anyone else remember to specials that came out around every holiday? In particular I'm thinking of the show Riki-Tiki-Tavi(sp?) about a mongoose living with a family in a jungle environment... Anyone else remember this show? I think it use to come on around Thanksgiving...
Monday, August 28, 2006
Car problems - 2001 Volkswagen Jetta
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Movie Review: So I Married an Axe Murderer
[good, the beginnings of Austin Powers can be seen]
Online review, and my ranking.
Made some relish
- 6 cucumbers (I suggest excluding the seeds)
- 3 medium onions
- 2 red peppers
- chop or run through food processor
- add 1 teaspoon salt sprinkled over top
- let stand overnight
- drain
- add 1-1/2 cups sugar
- 3/4 cup vinegar
- 1 teaspoon mustard seed
- 1 teaspoon celery seed
- simmer until thick
- can/bottle as preserves
Barrel fire day
I watch too many movies...
Movie Review: Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit
[a little slow, not as good as the one with the penguin]
Online review, and my ranking.
Movie Review: Aeon Flux
[I liked it, but not great]
Online review, and my ranking.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Power System Update
Another Convert to Hybrid Vehicle Technology
I read an interesting article the other day about a type of mechanical hybrid for large vehicles like garbage trucks - basically uses the energy from braking and going down hills to compress nitrogen gas, then using the compressed gas to turn the back wheels when accelerating from a stop. Good idea!
Friday, August 25, 2006
Another Chippy...
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Movie Review: Crash
[wow. lots of stuff I'm not use to seeing... you should see this movie]
Online review, and my ranking.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Think I lost my Tomato Hornworms...
Movie Review: Suicide Kings
[I liked it, not your standard plot line]
Online review, and my ranking.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Movie Review: Bend It Like Beckham
[liked it, had some good cultural commentary]
Online review, and my ranking.
Movie Review: The Party
[disappointing, expected more from Sellers]
Online review, and my ranking.
Movie Review: Ultraviolet
[disappointing, had all the action elements but didn't come together]
Online review, and my ranking.
Movie Review: Into The Blue
[I liked it, was a nice little movie]
Online review, and my ranking.
Movie Review: 16 Blocks
[disappointing, I kept waiting for something to happen]
Online review, and my ranking.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Dinner, a show, and a night away - The Beild House
We took a drive along the water looking for some beach or water access - interesting coastline with what appeared to be limestone sheets in the water (no sand). Not a bad waterline, but a little slippery which made things a little unnerving. I guess all the sand gets moved down the coast to Wasaga.
The Beild House itself was nice, but seemed a little expensive for the overall quality. The people and staff were great - very nice and friendly, which really makes the difference. The minor disappointments with the accommodations were overshadowed by the staff and overall atmosphere. It was a nice way to end our vacation - though not sure we would do it again.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
The financial wheels are in motion...
Monday, August 14, 2006
Movie Review: Dark Angel: The Ascent
[bad movie but some interesting ideas]
Online review, and my ranking.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Movie Review: Fantastic Four
[I liked it]
Online review, and my ranking.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Just for Laughs - Gags
I saw an episode in which they show a dummy dressed like an old man in a wheelchair at the top of a hill in the city. The gag was that someone would push the wheelchair up to a person on the street to ask directions. While in discussion with the person about the directions, the wheelchair would start rolling down the hill and an unsuspecting good Samaritan would take off down the hill after it to try and rescue the "old man". Now let's think about this for a second... a) isn't it very possible that someone could get really hurt running down a hill and trying to stop a runaway wheelchair? and b) having been fooled by this situation once, do you think that the good Samaritan might hesitate to act in a similar - real - situation in the future? Also, as a viewer of the show, having seen someone get fooled by this act, might you hesitate to act in a similar situation thinking it might be a joke?
In another episode there was a similar setup with an open manhole in the street full of water and a "blind" person supposedly walking into the open hole (the good Samaritan only sees the blind person's hat floating on top of the water). In this case several of the show's victims dove into the hole going underwater repeatedly trying to find and rescue the blind person. Same thinking... a) isn't it very possible that someone could get hurt diving into a small hole filled with water? b) wouldn't there be damage to that person's property - watch, wallet, etc.? c) and again, would that person ever do something similar in the future? And would you, as an observer of the show - would you ever dive into a manhole filled with water if you only suspected that someone had fallen in?
There are numerous other examples along the same lines - people impersonating police officers and emergency service personnel, etc. All of this creating doubt and hesitation in situations where people should not have doubt or display hesitation.
In short, I think this is a bad show on many levels - to the point of actually being harmful to our society. My 2 cents...
Wood Chipper
Thursday, August 10, 2006
92.5JackFM Prize Website Suggestion
Also, what's the deal with making me pickup the items in person in downtown Toronto? If something was actually available that I was interested in "buying" with my points, I would likely not bother since it would be a pain to get to the office to pick it up. If we are talking about something like a CD or DVD, why can't this be mailed to me? I don't think it would cost more than $2 for the postage...
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Movie Review: Slipstream
[okay, not great, and disappointing ending]
Online review, and my ranking.
Other movie attempts at time travel that are a little better at dealing with the related issues include Millennium with Kris Kristofferson and Cheryl Ladd (that should be a hint right there...), and Freejack which featured Mick Jagger - for the first time that I noticed him in film... And of course, many of the Star Trek series episodes from all of the different versions have tried to deal with the intricacies of time travel, with varying degrees of success.
Now on to time travel. One thing that I haven't quite reconciled yet is maintaining the net overall amount of energy in the universe. If you subscribe to the notion that you can't create or destroy matter/energy, then time travel becomes problematic. If tonight at midnight I take a 10-ton block of lead into my time machine and travel back to yesterday, then there would be a net difference in matter/energy between tomorrow and yesterday along the existing time line. Tomorrow's universe would be 10-tons lighter, and yesterday's universe would be 10-tons heavier. Part of me thinks that this might create a black hole or worm hole that would try to funnel matter/energy from the now heavier yesterday back into the lighter tomorrow. Then there is the theory that there are infinite alternate universes, so the yesterday that now contains the 10-ton lead block is just the continuation of this time line in another dimension. I don't quite get this thinking - I haven't thought about it enough to understand it, but there you go.
As far as the possibility of time travel, I believe that we are very close to being able to travel forward in time already. Years ago I had heard of a hamster being frozen and revived, and now with the wonderful power of the internet, I have found supporting documentation. Apparently Dr. Paul Segall was the big researcher in this area until he passed in June of 2003, but the company he started continues his research, with reports of animals being frozen and then revived after a few hours. What does this have to do with time travel? Well, if a person were frozen for 500 years and then revived, they would have traveled forward in time - from their perspective. They would be the same "age" and have the same memories, but they would now be living in 2506. I consider that to be time travel. Now, going backward in time would seem to suggest that going fast would result in backward travel. I'm not sure... Let's say I drink a whole lot of coffee and my body speeds up to be traveling at the speed of light. At this point it would appear to me that everything had stopped and I would be moving around within this freeze-framed world. Going a little bit faster and I think it would appear as if I was going backward in time as I passed back through all of the light waves/particles - in other words it would be like looking at the frames of a movie on film in reverse order. But, I think I would only be seeing the reversal of the light reflecting on the objects in the world, the object would not actually be moving backward... Hmmm... This creates another interesting situation - we don't actually see the objects in our world, we see a time-delayed image of them generated from light reflecting off of them to our eyes. Same as looking at a star in the sky - if the star is several light-years away, what we see today happened years ago. Though we are seeing the past, it does not change the present for the objects on and around that star.
Enough, I know Joe stopped reading a while ago...
MS Communicator
Got another chipmunk...
I've updated my tracking sheet, that makes 3 chipmunks so far this year.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
427 to 409 bypass
Screw the news guys every 10 minutes saying "slow between This and That, take the OtherWay", and the overhead signs that say "slow ahead, left lane blocked ahead - take collectors", and the MTO cameras that show you traffic in the direction that they happen to be pointed (which I have loaded in my cellphone browser by the way - very neat and handy).
HOW ABOUT just telling me the average speed of traffic ahead, preferably by lane?
If the express lanes show average speeds of 0, 10, 20 and the collectors show 60, 80 - then guess what - I don't care why, I'm taking the collectors. And if everyone starts moving over to the collectors, then the speeds of the collector lanes will start going down and the express lanes will start going up - until (at some magical time) everything is averaged at the maximum speed that can be handled by all of the working lanes.
Oversimplified, yes. But automatically updated information with just a number (ie. the speed) will be much more up-to-date and accurate and USEFUL than manually updated text that is only updated when someone bothers to call a special numbers somewhere to tell the typing guy to update the sign.