Monday, August 21, 2006

Movie Review: 16 Blocks
[disappointing, I kept waiting for something to happen]

Usually when you have an action movie with Bruce Willis you are not left wanting, but in this case I was disappointed. I think part of it was the overused bad-cop-covering-tracks plot line (such as The Negotiator), but also I found the Dante 'Mos Def' Smith character to be a little over-acted - might have been the tone of the voice, not sure, but it seemed to me that Dante came through too much and diluted the character - I don't know Dante much at all, but I would guess that he is much smarter than the character he plays in this film - and that comes through. It seemed like he was trying too hard to be "street". I don't know, maybe I just wasn't in the mood for that movie that night, but seemed to lack something...
Online review, and my ranking.

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