In this movie, demons are very pious and even say Grace before meals. At one point the lead character demon (in human form) meets some nuns and immediately abases herself before them - the nuns say there is no need and invite the demon back to the church "but I will surely combust" replies the demon, so the nuns give the demon a crucifix for support - which burns the demon, "why would you do that to me? I have always tried to do God's work!". In general the concept is that the demons are doing God's work by punishing sinners. The movie Dogma is very good and features irreverent angels, as does Constantine and several others (there is one with Christopher Walken, but I can't remember the name), but this is the first flick I've seen to suggest that demons - who understand first-hand the horrors of hell, are very pious, in contrast to the irreverent angels. Actually, it appears to me that the demons in this movie are modeled after the puritans of old who did horrible things to "sinners" in the name of God. Like I said, the movie isn't very good, but the story line is interesting - good idea, poor execution.
Online review, and my ranking.
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