Monday, September 18, 2006

Amazing Race is back on!

The Amazing Race is one of my favourite shows (except for the season where the American families camped their way around the States). Looking forward to the new season. I've seen a bit and so far my favourites are the couple from Kentucky (I absolutely LOVE the accent) and the woman with the missing leg - she's got a lot of heart, a real inspiration. My original attraction to the show was being able to get a look at places around the world that I might want to visit - and I still very much like to see the sights and points of interest, but now I also like to watch the interaction of the teams and some of the strategies that the teams use to get ahead. I think the best season so far was the one where the guy from Survivor (Rob and Amber?) was part of the show. He REALLY played the game - you could see the brain working and figuring out the angle, it was impressive to watch.

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