Friday, September 15, 2006

Neck Pain

I finally couldn't take it any more and booked a half-hour neck massage today. The pain was not back, but just constant and annoying and I just didn't want to deal with it any more. He asked what my pain was, from 1-10, I said 4, but not really bad, very noticeable but hey - been living with it for a week so probably closer to a 2... Anyway, not like any massage I've had before, this guy is more of a press-and-hold guy, hurts like hell but gets rid of the knots. I've had massages before that involved lots of pressing and hurting, but not just a straight continuous push. This guy also had a tool that allowed him to target the exact spot and press like hell without his thumb getting tired. I have some exercises that I need to do, and need to soak in a hot shower for a while, and need to use a hot pack a couple times over the next couple of days, and need at least one follow-up visit (can already feel a couple spots that need more work). I feel 110% better, well worth the $40 bucks.

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