Sunday, October 29, 2006

Want to know when I update?

For the very few people who actually read this blog, if you would like to be notified when I add a (significant) post, just click the "Notify..." link in the left-hand menu under the "Fellow Bloggers..." section. Its nothing fancy, just the "mailto" function with a preloaded subject line. I'll add people who send me an email to a distribution list for future updates.

    Terms of use:
  • I will only send an update if I've added something significant, I promise not to spam you with updates about my choice of socks for the day or the funky pattern that the frost made on my car windshield the other morning.
  • You agree to click at least one ad link from the top heading bar or the bottom of the left menu area each time you visit my blog. Okay, so this isn't really a requirement and there isn't really any way for me to (easily) track this, I'm really just askin'....
  • Not sure what else...we'll see how it goes...

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