Sunday, August 20, 2006

Dinner, a show, and a night away - The Beild House

Sharon booked us an evening in Collingwood for a night at the Beild House Inn. The package included a boxed lunch, dinner, the show "They're Playing Our Song" at the Collingwood Theatre and a breakfast in the morning. We had the box lunch when we arrived - sandwiches and wraps, very good. For dinner I had the steak - was cooked well (med rare) but tough, a little disappointing. The show was okay - I'm not a big fan of musicals - but apparently the air conditioning was broken, so it was really hot. By the second act it was hot enough that I just wanted it all to end so that I could get out of there, which was unfortunate because the people on stage were doing a good job.
We took a drive along the water looking for some beach or water access - interesting coastline with what appeared to be limestone sheets in the water (no sand). Not a bad waterline, but a little slippery which made things a little unnerving. I guess all the sand gets moved down the coast to Wasaga.
The Beild House itself was nice, but seemed a little expensive for the overall quality. The people and staff were great - very nice and friendly, which really makes the difference. The minor disappointments with the accommodations were overshadowed by the staff and overall atmosphere. It was a nice way to end our vacation - though not sure we would do it again.

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