I just caught a few minutes of the show "Just for Laughs - Gags" while channel surfing. I've seen bits an pieces of this show on occasion, and the more I see the more I think that this show is actually bad for our general collective social structure. Okay, I know you are thinking I've gone off the deep end, but follow me for a bit...
I saw an episode in which they show a dummy dressed like an old man in a wheelchair at the top of a hill in the city. The gag was that someone would push the wheelchair up to a person on the street to ask directions. While in discussion with the person about the directions, the wheelchair would start rolling down the hill and an unsuspecting good Samaritan would take off down the hill after it to try and rescue the "old man". Now let's think about this for a second... a) isn't it very possible that someone could get really hurt running down a hill and trying to stop a runaway wheelchair? and b) having been fooled by this situation once, do you think that the good Samaritan might hesitate to act in a similar - real - situation in the future? Also, as a viewer of the show, having seen someone get fooled by this act, might you hesitate to act in a similar situation thinking it might be a joke?
In another episode there was a similar setup with an open manhole in the street full of water and a "blind" person supposedly walking into the open hole (the good Samaritan only sees the blind person's hat floating on top of the water). In this case several of the show's victims dove into the hole going underwater repeatedly trying to find and rescue the blind person. Same thinking... a) isn't it very possible that someone could get hurt diving into a small hole filled with water? b) wouldn't there be damage to that person's property - watch, wallet, etc.? c) and again, would that person ever do something similar in the future? And would you, as an observer of the show - would you ever dive into a manhole filled with water if you only suspected that someone had fallen in?
There are numerous other examples along the same lines - people impersonating police officers and emergency service personnel, etc. All of this creating doubt and hesitation in situations where people should not have doubt or display hesitation.
In short, I think this is a bad show on many levels - to the point of actually being harmful to our society. My 2 cents...
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