Sunday, August 27, 2006

Barrel fire day

I just started a barrel fire - figured I'd get started on this pile of pine branches too big for the wood chipper while everything is damp from the heavy dew from last night. This pine stuff really spits out the cinders - I think its the bark... Also think I need a new fire barrel, the current one is more like a collection of holes arranged to form an interpretive rendition of a cylindrical "barrelesque" shape, held together with some sheet metal. I think today might also be pool emptying day - though not if it rains (which it looks like it might). I woke up with a cough this morning and feel a little rough - hoping its nothing and will pass with my first coffee of the day. Perfect timing - just added the last 3 pieces of wood to the barrel that needed to be dealt with, and it is starting to rain...!

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