Monday, September 11, 2006

Ouch, pain in the ... neck...

I have been living with and fighting a "stiff neck" since last Thursday. I don't recall doing anything silly that would have pulled something, but since last Thursday afternoon my neck and upper back have been sore. I have tried stretching and relaxing and hot showers and heat patches and Sharon gave me a neck-rub yesterday, but the only thing that seems to help is Advil - and that's only temporary. One person I spoke to today suggested meningitis, however then laughed and said that I would probably be dead by now if it was meningitis, so probably wasn't it (Gee, Thanks!!!). The worst part is at night since I can take a couple of pills that help the pain until I get to sleep, but I have been waking up at around 3-4am in pain and unable to roll over or easily get out of bed. By the time I get myself rearranged, I am completely awake and have been getting up to get more pills (which last until about 6am when it happens again). Joe tells me that this happens to him on occasion - so I am currently blaming him for my woes!!!

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