Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Suggestion for improved mobile blogging support

For the mobile blogging auto-post option, in addition to the check box indicating if incoming emails should be publish immediately or saved as draft, should include a prefix code that can be inserted at the beginning of the subject line that overrides the selection for that specific email.
Example, if the code is something like "^^^", and the user has selected that incoming emails should be immediately published, then an incoming email with "^^^" at the beginning of the subject line would not be published, but would be saved as a draft instead. Likewise, if the user selected that all incoming emails should not be published but should be saved as draft, then an incoming email with "^^^" at the beginning of the subject line would be published immediately (excluding the "^^^").
For me personally I don't want to immediately publish a mobile blog - I feel the need to clean it up and check the spelling before publishing, but there are times when I really want the post to be published immediately.

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