Monday, July 10, 2006

Mobile Blogging

Well, I'm going to make a small change to my posting methods. With mobile blogging I have the option of posting immediately, or having the post saved as a draft until I "officially" post the entry on the site. I have been using the "draft" option to allow me the opportunity to correct spelling and formatting errors and to look up some information to include, however this has become just one more thing on my to-do list, so I am moving to immediate-posting-mode. Therefore, being forewarned, I don't want you to give me any grief if you find spelling or grammar errors or typos - mobile posting is a thumb-intensive activity and I believe that I should have a little flexibility within language rules... I will try to stay away from the popular texting short forms as I am not a fan of this (u cud say i h8 it). Anyway, just a heads-up...

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