Monday, July 17, 2006

Faeries vs Elves - a clarification

As I wander through life, thankful for not being one of the multitute of farm animals that cohabitate this planet, I have the occasional thought that is out of the norm... In the past I use to call one of my bosses "the work faerie" because he kept dumping work on my desk. Upon further thought I realize that the Tooth Faerie takes stuff (your teeth) and leaves something good behind - if this is representative of a faerie, then this was not my old boss. Elves on the other hand tend to leave things - the cobbler elves who left finished shoes in cobbler's workshop (and even the Kibbler Elves who leave cookies). So, upon reflection, my old boss was more like an elf than a faerie - leaving me work instead of taking it away and leaving something good...

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