Sunday, July 16, 2006

Chlorine Dispenser - Suggestion for other pool owners

My little floating chlorine holder thingy is rather pathetic, so I made a new one. Using one of the many empty, tall, wide-mouthed plastic bottles (like one of these) that I get from the various chemicals for the pool, I drilled four 1/4" holes about 1/2" down from where the top screws on, then another 4 holes about 1-2" down and offset from the above holes, and then 1 hole about 2-3 inches up from bottom of the bottle. Put the chlorine pucks in the bottle and screw on the top, then tip upside down and lower into the pool water. The bottle will fill with water but it won't sink because there is a 2-3" air bubble between the lowest hole drilled above, and the bottom of the bottle. As the bottle floats and bobs around, it will dispense the chlorine throughout the pool.

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