Saturday, December 29, 2007
Car Insurance Check
The only reason I doubt the quotes I'm getting is because every time I check and compare, my insurance supplier, The Personal, is significantly less than the next best. In the case of, my current rates are almost 20% lower than anything else being offered. I have trouble believing this since I feel that my rates are high - so I again suspect the results.
Anyway, this site also allows for regular updates to be emailed to you on the rate comparisons. I guessed at some of my info (like date I got my license and years insured, stuff like that), so maybe I will go back in and update with accurate information and see if it makes a difference.
Plus, by mentioning them in this blog I am suppose to get a free e-book on 'Car Carma', so what the hell?!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Movie Review: Smokin' Aces
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Pianos and Houses
The ownership date for the new house is approaching - 5 more days! Anyone know how to test if a piano "works"? (obviously hitting the keys, but if a key doesn't make a sound, how tell if its a major or minor problem, and what about those peddle things...?)
My buddy says that when he gets finicky doing rough carpentry, framing or whatever, his friend Terry often reminds him "We aren't building a piano!" Meaning Piano's are finely-tuned machines that need to be "finickied." My buddy's advice: if a key doesn't make a sound and you don't immediately see the corpse of the mouse that is causing the problem, leave it and call a trained professinal.
Planning to take the piano to my buddy's place in Ottawa and unload Thursday night and stay at his place (basking in the glow of piano appreciation...) - maybe walk to a nearby pub after the unload for a beverage. I don't want to drive the truck to Montreal at all on Friday, but I really don't want to do it with a piano on the back! So unloading is critical... Other than shuffling a piano about, and me working a day in Montreal, I'm not sure what else we can do for a couple of hours. Maybe all the guys can take turns riding my buddy's home-made recumbent bike and then have his wife can drive us all to the ER in the pickup? (....just sayin'....). We could stand around with mugs of beer on the piano singing. Actually, my buddy's wife's repatoir tends towards classical, but I'm sure we could make up some words. Looking forward to drinking some beers and making up words to "The Flight of the Bumblebee".... should be good for a laugh!
I've been really busy lately - starting to not like work again. BUT, the work at the new house is fun - took down a wall Friday and started putting up a new header for the gap yesterday. All of the upstairs carpet is gone and took a full car-load of old paint to the hazardous waste drop-off yesterday, and ordered all new windows. Hoping to finish the room header today and get the wiring done for that "wall". Soon it will be time to pull up the main floor carpets, tile, linoleum, and old hardwood (would be nice if could be reused - see how it goes). Mom and Dad are meeting the real estate agent for their house today - and hopefully listing. They've already met once and are not happy with the estimated value, but there you go...
As for the pianos, my biggest concern is the truck. It popped a brake line in the driveway a week or 2 ago, and yesterday the coolant pump popped and pumped all the coolant out onto Dad's driveway. All this and I haven't even put the friggin' piano in the back of it yet! If I can make it to Ottawa and unload the piano at least, then I can deal with any other issues more easily.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Movie Review: Snakes on a Plane
Saturday, August 18, 2007
CD Database
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Mileage conversion
Monday, July 09, 2007
GPS in Cellphones
Got a question about GPS functionality in cellphones... I don't believe that the GPS circuit is powered if the phone is turned off so I don't believe that a powered-off phone can be "tracked". Beyond that its hard to say because its really up to how the network and phone are configured to work.
- my Blackberry has a user option setting to enable and disable the GPS functions, however I believe that the setting gets bypassed during a 911 call, so can probably be bypassed other ways also.
- a couple of years ago when I was working on this it was limited to only while you were on a call because the network needed a "connection" over which to send the location data, but if a service provider wanted to invest some development dollars there would likely be a way to use the "control channels" to transfer the data while the phone was not in a call, but the cost/benefit of this would be questionable since the data bandwidth space available on the control channels is limited so not sure we would waste it on an application that targets individual users (but it is theoretically possible)
- there are less accurate versions that check signal levels received at different towers at the same time from your phone (in a call or idle, during a registration for example) and triangulating your location based on that (this is also done during "assisted GPS" situations where not enough satellites are visible to get an accurate GPS fix)
So, depends why you are asking. Normal commercial operation typically requires an active call and user enable of the service. Can "the man" find you if he really really wants to - probably...
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Facebook Info Collection
So the real question becomes, how do you protect yourself? At this point, aside from cutting all e-connections (which I don't really want to do...) all I can think to do is giving as little information as possible, and providing false information if I don't see how the information requested will assist ME in MY use of the internet service I am using.
Recently I asked to remove my information from their site because I wasn't using it very much at all (because it is riddled with intrusive ads and not easy to get what I want). Below is an excerpt from the email response I received:
"If you would like to have your email address and account COMPLETELY deleted from our database, please reply to this email with the following information as it appears on your account:
1. Account USERNAME for login (if known)
2. Street address
3. City
4. State
5. Country
6. Zip Code or Postal Code
7. Phone Number
8. Your Full Name
9. Any former email addresses you may have had on your account
10. A former employer or school that appears on your resume
The information that you provide is ONLY used for verification purposes. Once we verify the information, your account will be deleted."
Given that I had not provided them with most of the info above in the first place, I found it odd that I needed to provide all of this to have my account removed - my username and password, by definition, should be enough to uniquely identify me in their database.
My response? I logged on to my account and filled it with garbage data. After that they can keep it active for as long as they like.
Its just like the spam emails that say "click here to unsubscribe" - as soon as you click that link they know they have a valid email address that they can sell, and the flood gates open. I loved it when I got spam emails advertising CDs with millions of 'guaranteed valid email addresses' - how did they know the addresses were valid? because people had already provided some form of response.
Creating a PowerPoint picture album
In my version of PowerPoint with my configuration (of course, qualifiers):
- select menu item "Insert"
- select "Picture"
- select "New Photo Album"
If you don't have this, it might be an add-in. Search the help file or online for related keywords. I did a Google search on "Powerpoint Insert Picture New Photo Album" and found a bunch of stuff, but there seem to be different things to do depending on the version of Windows and PowerPoint that you have.
P.S. I think if you save a presentation as format PPS (Power Point Show), people don't need to have Power Point on their computers to see the presentation (I think....)
Friday, July 06, 2007
There they go, the boys in the bright white sports car...
Tunes from the ages....
Having recently had a birthday milestone I got a mental image when the song came on the radio of my youth driving off "waving their arms in the air". Not that the image was all bad - my "youth" being represented by....let's say by something likely inspired by Chris' recent on-the-job personnel management issue, but still....
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Rube! Buddy...!
There are lots of Rube Goldberg machine examples on YouTube worth a look, take a look, and heck, why not make a day of it?
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
I just saw a bathroom go by me on the highway...?
Monday, July 02, 2007
Busy Canada Day Weekend
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Bathroom Remodel Update - Electrical Snag
Saturday, June 30, 2007
The silence of the fish tank is deafening...
Not wanting to simply flush our little guys to that horrible tank in the back yard (we are on a septic system), we decided to let them loose in a nearby weedy overgrown pond. They are old, they are tropical, and they are brightly coloured so no expecting them to last long in that environment, but at least they can go out fighting!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Movie Review: Deja Vu
Anyway, I think I liked the movie because it got me thinking about some of these things - it stimulated a few brain cells that have been dormant for a while.... I liked it... On a side note I'm thinking of taking the Hawthorne Effect to work and putting it into practice... ;)
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
Internet Security
Another theory, I know many people who use the same username and password for different sites: I wonder if some of these sites ever run scripts to see if their client's usernames and passwords work on Google, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.
I've already had a bad spam experience that I am positive was triggered by an ecard (so I don't accept those any more...). One of the types of spam I received was ads to buy CDs full of "guaranteed valid" email addresses for mass marketing. Got me thinking - how do they know the email addresses are valid? Well, at some point you must have responded to one of their emails - which would include following the "remove" instructions on spam and also answering ecards from non-reputable sites (in the ecard case they get 2 email addresses for the price of one...). Spam is the #1 reason that I use Yahoo for my email, their spam filters are fabulous...
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Restaurant Review: Ten Restaurant & Wine Bar
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Take a Guess...
I successfully resisted the urge to ask if the answer was plural and started with a "t" or "b"...
Saturday, June 09, 2007
its official - I'm old....
But really its no big deal - more for fun than anything else. My hairdresser, Rose, suggested I use "Ashen Blond" just to gloss things over a bit. I couldn't find that colour so we went with "Sandy Blond". Not bad, a little auburn showing up on top and lots of grey still showing on the sides. I might try it again in the fall and through the winter, but the summer is all about the sun...
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Movie Review: Crank
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Confused Google Ads?
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Pirate eye-patch
Anyway, just thought this was neat. Now I wonder what the parrot was used for...?
Friday, June 01, 2007
Fuel Comsumption vs. Emissions
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Movie Review: Click
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Symantec / Norton
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Movie Review: Sean of the Dead
Friday, May 25, 2007
Just Turned 40 ....
Saturday, May 19, 2007
May 2-4 Weekend - IN THE POOL !!
We had to crank the heater to get the temperature up to swim level, but the weather cooperated and we were in swimming on Saturday! Sharon set the tone by jumping in from the waterfall for her first time into the pool - excellent! Still some work to do around the patio in the gardens, but I think it turned out very nice in the end...very happy indeed!!
Open issues that still need to be addressed...
- cracked rocks on waterfall (now both sides), fix and/or warranty implications?? biggest concern since we can't fix this ourselves
- still finding broken glass in the garden soil provided and haven't even started digging in it yet, usually find more pieces after each rain
- heater: have experienced the following fault codes: "FAN" and "GVO" - not sure if we should be concerned or not...
- missing screws in door hinges
- bottom of door hits wall when closing (sometimes depending on weather - damp)
- water level seems to be dropping fairly fast, any way to test for leaks in plumbing?
- white rock face
- pressure gauge that faces up instead of back straight towards a wall...
Thursday, May 03, 2007
'92 Honda Civic - 460,000 kms
Well, at 15 years old and over 460,000kms, the old Civic is still going strong! Runs fine and you wouldn't know its age if nobody told you! Impressive...
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Finally - CD Library working again
So, with that working I can proceed from my current status of about 600 CDs inventoried... I figure that I am not quite half way through the pile. My cousin, Jeff, is a net programmer so he has built a little software tool that pulls in all the NetNamer CD files and loads them into a database, so eventually I will have a full database of all of my CDs that will be fully searchable and support report generation. Eventually I hope to have the inventory posted on the net for easy access, which would also better support any future plans to sell/trade some of the collection.
I'm a little annoyed that the NetNamer software doesn't download the Artist name when it does a lookup. I get all the songs and the Album title, but not the Artist... Makes no sense. But there are so many bugs that I am just taking what I can get and looking to by-pass the poor functionality. I've asked Jeff if he can look into the CDDB/Gracenotes lookup functionality to see if we can access the full information for a CD using the disc id information available from the NetNamer software. I would then use the NetNamer software just to get the CD disc ID information and then do all the lookups through another bit of software. an engineer I see the huge potential for software like this - full disc information, cataloguing collections, multiple custom play lists, live song rating that drives intelligent auto-playlists of favourites, etc. It is a shame that so little of that potential has been realized - AND that from what I have read on the net, little or no development has been done to improve the software going forward into new hardware releases!!! I think Kenwood really dropped the ball on this one...
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Bathroom Reno - The tub is in and the walls are up
Friday, April 06, 2007
Product Review: Cool - pre-soldered copper pipe joints
I didn't have any problems with the installation that I did. My Dad tried one of the elbows at his place, but was in a dark location and he didn't see the solder start to flow, so he just kept heating - until there was no solder left in the joint! Needless to say that he had to do it all over again. For someone who is new to soldering copper pipe, this is much easier but without a background in soldering you might not know what to expect. For those who have experience - you will see the benefits immediately!

I checked a couple of forums on plumbing and found that the "pros" don't really care for this product - but I like it for the occasional do-it-yourselfer...
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Bathroom Remodel Update - Tub Snag
While we were there I decided to get the vanity cabinets also - nope...
All the "Mills Pride" cabinets we looked at are for kitchens and therefore 24" deep. The green granite vanity top I wanted to use (with the pre-installed under-mount sink) is only 22" deep. There is a much smaller selection of Mills Pride bathroom cabinets - basically white, sort-of white and "champagne" - anything else is special order.
After we try to install this new tub we are going to go check the Rona in Barrie - Dad noticed a bigger selection of cabinets there - figured we would at least try...
Sunday, April 01, 2007
High speed internet
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Movie "300", slavery and freedom
Of course we are taught that freedom is everything, and that we should never surrender to slavery, BUT... I was thinking about the offer made above to Leonidas relative to what it means to being a slave. When I think of slavery I think mostly of the movie "Roots" and that depiction of slavery. But the version of slavery offered above seems very different. It reminds me more of a union / company type relationship with the union under the direction of the company but with the strength of the union allowing it to drive policy and influence direction.
This all gets me thinking about the actual meaning of slavery relative to the lives that people live today. Reading the following definitions of slavery that I found on the web, it doesn't sound too far removed from the life I think a lot of people feel they may be living today.
Slave [noun]: a person who works very hard for someone else. Example: He has a slave who types his letters and organizes his life for him.Have we become slaves without realizing it? Laws and by-laws and guidelines that restrict and limit and control our actions a little at a time. The most obvious changes have happened since 9/11, but even before that, jay-walking for example... Crossing a street at other than a controlled free can a person be if doing this is illegal?
[this sounds a lot like most of my days at work...]andSlave [verb]: to work very hard, often for another person.
[I guess this is a little too general, I guess it makes more sense if you add the words "for no compensation" to the end of the definition]
This got me thinking about the meaning of freedom, and I found these...
- the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint.
- Liberty of the person from slavery, detention, or oppression.
==> [these I get, talking about being free of physical or psychological restraint] - exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.
- the absence of or release from ties, obligations, etc.
- civil liberty, as opposed to subjection to an arbitrary or despotic government.
==> [these are not so clear; external control, interference, regulation, obligations, (seemingly) arbitrary rules - these all sound like typical days at work or dealing with traffic laws or community by-laws...?] - the power to determine action without restraint.
- The capacity to exercise choice; free will: We have the freedom to do as we please all afternoon.
- personal liberty, as opposed to bondage or slavery.
- the power to exercise choice and make decisions without constraint from within or without; autonomy; self-determination.
==> [this I get, the freedom to make decisions. and here is where things get interesting... One could argue that I have the freedom to choose to follow the rules or choose not to and suffer the consequences - but if the rules exert control and regulate your activities, then is this a fair choice?] - Freedom, independence, liberty refer to an absence of undue restrictions and an opportunity to exercise one's rights and powers. Freedom emphasizes the opportunity given for the exercise of one's rights, powers, desires, or the like: freedom of speech or conscience; freedom of movement. Independence implies not only lack of restrictions but also the ability to stand alone, unsustained by anything else: Independence of thought promotes invention and discovery.
- The right of enjoying all of the privileges of membership or citizenship: the freedom of the city.
==> [enjoying the privileges of membership or to exercise one's rights - all of this implies that the conditions of "membership" or one's defined rights allow for a degree of freedom - cuz if the rules don't list something, then do you really have the freedom?]
Then again - people are self-centered idiots. Without overly specific regulations that try to put common sense into enforceable writing, you get the jerks who toss their trash out their car windows while driving down my nice country road... I guess we need the multitude of little by-laws like those against littering as much as we need the bigger laws like the ones that make it illegal to throw large rocks at these same passing cars...
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Virus writers - how about some antibodies?
Are you not sure how this fits with your goal of "sticking it to the man"? How about this... if the majority of computers starting working better and faster, then there wouldn't be a need to upgrade so often... or is that your point? By working with Microsoft to clog people's machines with crap and ever expanding software, you push the masses towards hardware upgrades which you can leverage... Hmmmmm...
So really, virus writers are working for "the man"!