Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Movie Review: Click

Not bad for an Adam Sandler flick... The commercials for Click make it look like a comedy, and it did have some comedic elements and moments, but really it was a cautionary tale about living your life while you can and enjoying the things that make up a day and the pleasures of family. In this case the main character had a tendancy to fast-forward through bad spots in life, but I think I would have had a tendancy to pause or slow-motion a lot. Like this friggin' bathroom remodel - pause my life in the work-week evenings while trying to figure out how to make things work and put it all together, then slip back into regular time to enjoy the weekends. Hell, even slow-motion through the whole weekend! But I'm sure there are pitfalls to this also that would come to light if I actually thought about it (like maybe I age a lot faster than everyone else because I'm running on faster time...?). All in all I liked it, was a good movie.

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