Friday, June 23, 2006

Raccoon - Part 2, the sequel

So the day starts with a little trepidation - what's up with the little furry guy in the box on the side of the road? I am hopeful and ready to pick him up and take him to our vet if necessary, but more hopeful that his Mom came and got him - but also steeling myself for the other possibilities (there are few things worse than starting your day dealing with a dead thing - a mouse in a trap, a bird under the picture window... a baby raccoon wrapped in a blanket in a box by the side of the road...). Sharon left the house first this morning and called me from the car - the box is still there and it looks untouched. Options are reduced to a) he is still in the box and sleeping quietly, or b) he isn't sleeping... Off I go. Hoping/expecting to have to make the trip to the vet, I pull the u-turn before I get out to check the box... looks undisturbed...but there are ants crawling on it - not a good sign in my experience with these types of matters... I carry the box back to the car and put it in the back seat (still hoping for the best). I slowly open the box (in case he has the urge to spring out of the box and lunge at my face) and see... nothing. I start digging around under the blanket (he was small, but not that small...) and still find nothing. Gone. I checked the road and the ditches and all around for (heaven forbid) roadkill - and find nothing. So... I am deciding to believe that Mommy Raccoon came and got her little baby - happy ending - warm fuzzy feeling! Thanks to our vet for the support!

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