Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Baby Chickadees !!!

Took the boys out this morning (our 2 dogs, Alaska and Gizzy) and noticed a lot of bird activity - swooping chickadees making lots of noise. Then I noticed the little bundle of feathers jumping around under the peonies! Alaska also noticed and took off after him - which freaked me out, but the little guy held his ground and pecked Alaska on the nose - which confused Alaska long enough for me to scoop him up and carry him back into the house. Luckily Gizzy was oblivious to the whole thing - he is smaller, but a little more aggressive towards little scurrying things (you should have seen him on the hardwood floors when we had the chipmunk in the house!!). Anyway, there was still lots of birdilage activity when I left the house, so hopefully the little guy will learn to fly over the course of today! I love living in the country!

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