Well, I noticed an article in the Star today about a place that allows you to compare car insurance rates ("Unbiased online car insurance quotes"). I've done this before with Belair Direct through the website they use (can't remember the name). I thought this site would be "unbiased" as they say in their tag-line. I don't really trust the Belair Direct check since they provide 5 competitive quotes - and I suspect that they would provide the 5 quotes that are the next 5 more expensive companies vs. their rates - and only show companies with lower rates if their rates were higher than any of the top 5 companies. What can I say, I'm cynical...
The only reason I doubt the quotes I'm getting is because every time I check and compare, my insurance supplier, The Personal, is significantly less than the next best. In the case of InsuranceHotline.com, my current rates are almost 20% lower than anything else being offered. I have trouble believing this since I feel that my rates are high - so I again suspect the results.
Anyway, this site also allows for regular updates to be emailed to you on the rate comparisons. I guessed at some of my info (like date I got my license and years insured, stuff like that), so maybe I will go back in and update with accurate information and see if it makes a difference.
Plus, by mentioning them in this blog I am suppose to get a free e-book on 'Car Carma', so what the hell?!